Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Aku kena tag!!!

1.what do the majority of people in your life call you?
2.do you still talk to the person you were dating 6 months ago?
>>yes and we still keep in SmS
3.what color is your phone?
4.who is the last male you hugged?
>>My brother or my friend
5.do you enjoy drama?
>>sometime…but I love the most is Japanese drama “Beautiful life”
6.did you learn anything from the last BIG mistake you made?
>>yes but sometime I feel guilty at the moment
7.do you have dimples when you smile?
>>of course
8.do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
>>of course..or just my instinct
9.what would you do if your best friend was moving away?
>>so sad…
10.if someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
>>ya rasanya..hehehe
11.do you kiss a lot of people today?
12.name one person that made you smile today?
>>My Mom and My dad
13.what were you doing at 8 am this morning?
>>Answering calling from my parent.
14.is anyone jealous of you?
>>maybe yes or not
15.would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
16.can you handle the truth?
>>I should face it…hehehe
17.have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
>>yes im still keep it secret…
18.would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love?
>>I don’t know how to answer..
19.do you have a best friend that knows you inside and out?
>>yes only two of them..
20.have you ever told someone you were single when you really werent?
>>I cant tell..
21.today did you hug the person you have feelings for?
22.do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles?
23.where is your number one person on your friends list?
>>my father ...my best friend also
24.did you ever lose a best friend?
25.are any of your friends taller than you?
26.are you good at hiding your feelings?
>>sometime hehehe
27.do you wave when you see people you know?
>>no one can recognize.
28.were you happy when you woke up this morning?
>>Yes I got call from my parent
29.do you hate being alone?
30.pass dis tag to:

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